Welcome to my webpage about my trip to New York
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New York is a great place to spend your vacation, if you know what you're doing.
Here are some tips:
*Cheaper hotels are usualy outside of New York, beyound the Hudson river.
*Know your map-New York has one of the best chronologically numbered street
systems in America
*Don't drive into Queens while in a lexus
*Don't hit parked police cars
*Don't throw shoes at hobos
*Don't try to pick-pocket a pimp, or a bodyguard
Useful Tip: Don't be a dumbass
There are a lot of things to see in New York, here are some of the best:
*The Emire State Building-Truly a masterpiece of modern architecture
*The Statue of Liberty-located on Liberty island, not Ellis Island
*Times Square-That big place with Huge Tv screens and lots of publicity
*Broadway-A cultural avenue, nice walk
What not to do:
Hey, cop guy, let's race !!!
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-O----O-' -O----O-
Cop Car Your Car
__ Yankees suck, go Red Sox!!!
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Big Truck Your Car
I bet I can jump over that guy!!!
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Your Car Ramp Saddam Husseyn's Limmo
Get out of my way!!!
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Your Car Deaf Person
Look at that fatty, I bet he'll bounce right off the grill!!!
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-O----O- (o'.'o)
Your Car Fat Boy
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